I picked up Camus' The Stranger last week from Barnes and Noble (thanks to Steve Loredo for his employee discount; this is not an advertisement for Steve). Anyways, it was a short book, only about 120 pages, and I came across one of the most powerful quotes I have ever read in a novel:
"At one time or another all normal people have wished their loved ones were dead."
You know a book is good when you actually say out loud, "wow" after reading a passage and this is exactly what I did here. I've been thinking about the quote a lot today and it seems a lot worse if you don't read the book because it deals a lot with the idea of the absurd. Basically, we are all going to die, so we shouldn't worry about the minuscule details that go on from day to day. Yeah, this opens up a whole new discussion and will hold a lot of different opinions, but it was really interesting to see how this book presented it. I'd definitely check it out because you only need a couple of hours to read the entire novel.
I've been losing a lot of things lately. Alex and I misplaced our 2nd disc of Reno911! season 2. The odd thing is, we weren't even on the 2nd disc yet. I misplaced my ID today (eventually found it), left my hat and gloves at the field house (journeyed back in the snow to get them), and it took us 2 days to find Parker's keys. Either Seybert is being taken over by zombies who enjoy stealing or we are all in the early stages of Alzheimer's.
The term is going really well thus far and I don't see it really changing anytime soon. Only down part is my job was phased out because the college hired an independent firm to raise money for the new fine arts center, which means no more phone-a-thon. It was lame of the college in that they didn't let us know until the 2nd week of the term so about 10-15 kids are out of a job for at least this term. Oh well, they can always run the street corners.
We got the new Shins' album at the station today. I never like a cd the first time I listen, but this has the potential of being a solid album. This band should blow up based on the face time they are getting all over the media. I'm sure Zach Braff didn't hurt either.
Homework and a shower call. Not at the same time though.
10 years ago