Yesterday after lunch I was approached by 2 people within 5 minutes who both informed me that I was a presence in their dream the night before. My initial thought? Awesome, I was probably saving the world from natural disaster or traveling to the moon via bicycle. My actual actions in these dreams were far from cool.
According to Kelley Knapp's dream, I was conducting a survey of some sort but my results didn't add up to 100. That's it. I wasn't slaying a dragon, and then conducting a survery. Nope, just little old Austin conducting a survery in a dream world.
2 minutes later I ran into Steve Loredo (former hall mate). He also informed me that I was in his dream the night before, and I explained how I was in Kelley's dream in a less than exciting role, so I hoped this one was better. He chuckled to himself and then told me that in his dream he had a watch that detected STDs in people. Guess who made the watch go off in Steve's dream world. Yep, this guy. It was some STD that started with an s, and those were the only details that I received.
Both of these situations had the possibility for greatness, but in both I turned out creepy and lame.
10 years ago