While in KFC today I received a lesson on why I should carry my camera more often. In their downstairs seating area they had a time line of sorts including the decades with random pictures. 1960s, 1950s, 1940s, 1939s. Wait, did that say 1939s? Why yes, it did.
If you enjoy Motion City Soundtrack, go listen to their new album, Even If It Kills Me. You should love it. They consistently produce solid rock songs with a poppy center that keeps you coming back. I'm hooked.
I learned how to tell time in Chinese today. I felt like I accomplished something. Unfortunately, the class is slowly being separated into two groups. The first group is made of kids like Nick and I who have no experience with Asian language and are having a difficult time decoding the complexities of the language. The other group is the kids who have taken Japanese and are familiar with the characters and sounds that the eastern languages seem to produce. We aren't friends. We constantly have post-class brawls. Oh, and then there's Tad. Uncle Tad. Tadders. He's in his own group. It's made up of people who still struggle to say hello after fifteen days of class.
I apologize for the delay of the 3rd Foreign Objects episode. We're trying to take our time and make this one count. There are also some contractual disputes which are slowing down the machine. Apparently, China wants royalties from the episodes so we're fighting 1.3 billion people. Sometimes comedy is just so damn hard.
I really enjoy Rihanna's "Shut Up and Drive".
Picture of the Day (I lost count.)
Look! Nick Devlin's in Asia!
10 years ago