Summer has officially begun. Last night was Crystal Lake's Relay for Life and my mom's team of around 14 friends raised the most money for the 3rd year in a row. Originally, a junior high in Huntley was going to be the 1st place team, but they somehow cheated and the 3rd place team called those little 12 year old pricks out (kidding, oh so much). The Relay itself was alright and gave me a chance to see some friends of my mom that I haven't seen in a while. However, they all ask the same questions and by the time 9:00pm rolled around (started at 7:00pm) I was ready to bolt. This, and the fact that everyone is either 10 years younger or 30 years older than me. A highlight of the night included talking to my 15 year old cousin for awhile and it seems he has grown up pretty fast, even though I saw him 6 months ago. I'm going to try to get him to come out to NCC next winter for a night. After 7 hours and too many conversations about the weather and gas (all anyone talks about) we headed home.
I got to see my Grandparents today as I headed up to Ringwood (McHenry area) and mowed their lawn. Nothing says summer like 2 1/2 hours on a riding lawn mower listening to White Stripes songs.
Sorry to those who get thrown off when events are not in order, but on Thursday night Nick, Corinne, and I canoed on the river behind Corinne's house WHICH MEANS that I can already cross off one of my "things to do this summer with Corinne". Nick doesn't ruin the legitimacy of this event, I think.
My sister danced in her recital today. She did well in the 2.5 minutes she was on stage. I laughed when a hip-hop group danced to Lil' John's "Get Low".
Erik Mothersbaugh - you were in my nap dream today. Consider yourself royalty.
10 years ago